Thursday, January 10, 2008

Go Pats...


mattiscool said...

Matt, Your from Boston? I didnt know that? Wow, the patriots are awesome.

your cool

johnny drama said...
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SpinSports590 said...
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Bill Swerski said...

Wow. Getting embarrassed by KU really brings out the best in you guys.

You should be used to it by now, but, as usual, the NU fanbase is a just a bit slower than most folks to pick up on things. Eventually, you will realize that you are the Big 12 whipping boy. The rest of the nation already has.

celticpride said...

bill swerski,

what gives you and your MVC buddies any right to bash someone who loses to Kansas? KU whips everyone. You talking trash about that is kind of funny, considering you guys barely held on to a win over a pathetic Wichita State team last night. Seriously, they lost to Monmouth.

celticpride said...

And you should probably learn what a whipping boy is. FYI, it isn't a team that finished 6-10 in conference last year with a horribly unathletic team. A whipping boy isn't a team that was in the top half of the conference just two years ago. But then again, what do you know, I'm sure you didn't even watch the game, you probably just looked at the box score because you were too busy watching the superior Jays play great basketball against the Wichita State Shockers. I'd love to see Creighton pay Kansas.

johnny drama said...
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Bill Swerski said...

My apologies. Let me correct myself: you are Creighton's whipping boy. Better?

I'm not so sure you watched the game either, as you were probably too busy scrolling through Matt's blog looking to talk more trash. Considering the fact that the NU game started an hour after the CU game, I had a good amount of time to watch your lowlife coach get run out of the gym. But hey, at least that hickish demeanor is good for something, he got a laugh out of the sideline reporter at the end of the first half on the way into the locker room.

Any time I can watch a good team take the court, I will watch. To see that good team wipe the floor with NU is mere surplussage.

Unknown said...

Bill a question. Where do you think Cregihton would finish in the Big 12?

celticpride said...

nothing funnier than a Bluejay fan talking trash after we lose to an opponent 10X better than any opponent Creighton will face this year.

Anonymous said...

Not so sure that “surplussage” is even a word. Even if you’re going to make words up…at least spell the basic word right. But poor, uneducated grammar has not stopped you before here, nor do I expect it to stop you in the future.

Also, since when does an honest man become a “lowlife”? Bill, you and your Creighton buddies hate Doc Sadler because of three reasons: 1) Nebraska is getting better and getting more coverage in the Omaha area and you feel threatened. 2) Doc said that Oregon will be the best team that comes into the Qwest this year for a regular game. 3) Doc said that there are many Creighton fans who come to the Qwest for other reasons outside of basketball. All three of these are 100% true. According to your now-disputed claim that Doc Sadler is, in fact, a “lowlife”, I ask the following question. Why? Why does honestly now equate to “lowlife”?

See, to me, a true “lowlife” is someone who lacks integrity and is dishonest. I remember not so long ago Creighton’s basketball coaching saying this:

"I'm 48 years old. And with your permission I'd like to finish my career at the University of Arkansas." Dana Altman

Call Doc Sadler what you will, but he’s not a liar. Not like Dana Altman anyway.