Saturday, January 19, 2008

0-3...where do they win?

Ok - more on this game later cause I'm at the Jays vs. Indiana St. game but the Huskers are 0-3 in the Big 12 after losing to Baylor 72-70 today. I said they would go 0-4 to start....make it 0-5 after they lose to KU and MU. But let's play a game....where do they win their first Big 12 game? I'm not sure it doesn't come until February. Predict away....


MattSantaMaria said...

Not that I should take one ounce of stock out of the joke that is the RPI, but it is crazy to think about how far Nebraska has fallen in such a short amount of time...

157th in the updated RPI

magic said...

Looking at Baylors players you can see the Big 12 is no patsy league like the MV

Erik Cartwright said...

Unfourtanetly it's gonna be awhile. You cannot miss that amount of free throws and expect to win. Nebraska is a pretty good team but man do they keep f'n it up. Western Kentucky, Colorado and now Baylor. Three wins that should have happen but because of poor free throw shooting and inconsistant play down the stretch, all went down the drain.

Steve said...

If they played teams like Indiana St, Missouri St, and some of those other powerhouses they'd be sitting on the NCAA bubble...

Matt Perrault said...

No they played Savannah St, Alcorn St, and North Carolina Central instead....and Steve- you couldn't be more wrong. Your team isn't good...just accept it.

magic said...

So Matt, Are you saying that now Creighton is a good team? I really don't get how you can compare the Missouri Valley and the Big 12 this year. Maybe your watching the Missouri Valley in HD and not the Big 12. Totally different league and not worth arguing about.

chris said...

Umm..Matt...Creighton played Savannah State and North Carolina Central too...

Anonymous said...

Both Kansas and Baylor would both easily win the MVC this year. Don't understand why you, as an MVC/Creighton fan, are getting down on Nebraska for losing to two good teams.

Steve said...

Wow, I'm not a nebraska fan. In fact, I can't stand nebraska. You putting Indiana St and Missouri St in the same category as Savannah St, Alcorn St, and North Carolina St only proves the point about the MVC.

Matt Perrault said...

No Steve, ignorant Nebraska fans are putting those teams in that same category.

Baylor has ZERO inside game...and tremendous guard play...who does that sound like? AN MVC TEAM! Which makes NU 0-2 against teams that play that style for a team featuring a 6'11 big guy who can't hit lay ups.

If you think the MVC is a joke league - you don't know basketball. Is it down this year - yes, but it's still a very good league. No. 2 Non-BCS league behind the A-10. And that's with graduating half the league's starters.

Stop trying to compare CU and NU - there is NO comparison. I only bring up NU bb because we are here in the state and cover them....oh, and its fun to watch all the excuses you guys make.

magic said...

So which MVC team does Baylor look like? Baylor had 7' athletes inside that Nebraska had to respect thus the excellent guard play. I was impressed Nebraska made it a game looking at the players. Making comments about Nebraska Fans being ignorant and Baylor having ZERO inside game are comments just to fuel the fire.

MattSantaMaria said...

You were surprised that they competed with a mid-level Big 12 team at home? I'll take that as a joke. Were you surprsied Nebraska was so competitve going on the road to a monster crowd vs. the powerhouse Buffalos? The same Colorado team that has already lost to top teir teams like Tulsa and New Orleans at home this season.

Glad your expectations of your favorite team are so high.

magic said...

I was impressed with Baylors Players that they put on the court. I do think Doc out coached Baylor but he can't make the free throws for the players. I never thought before the season Nebraska would compete at the top of the Big 12, Doc needs a couple more years before he can do anything about that. but you can be a fan and a realist at the same time.