Saturday, January 19, 2008

Drake coming to town on a 15 game streak!

Drake will be ranked most likely after beating Illinois St. at home 79-73. HUGE game on Tuesday at Qwest Center Omaha!! Game needs to be a sell-out!!

More on the Jays game vs. Indiana St. but it looks like a 5 game winning streak will be going up against a 15 gamer on Tuesday.


johnny drama said...

Matt, I heard your show on Friday and I think it is crazy that you think that Creighton could be a national powerhouse. First of all they play in a conference that is irrelevant come tournament time except for one year, and you need to be consistent to be relevant. Plus you said that if they could have a couple of good runs in March that they could be a "Gonzaga Type Team." That will never happen for a couple of reasons. First they will never consistently make a differece in the tourney, they will more likley be like a Penn or a Winthrop that get in out of a weak conference. Second they play in the central time zone. Gonzaga has got a lot of ESPN run due to their games being in the Pacific Time Zone. They play late games that get shown because there are no other powers playing. Creighton will not take take time away from Duke and UNC, and other conferences that MATTER. "Certainly Duke is Duke they are on TV more than leave it to Beaveeeer." So I do not see where you could make the prediction that CU will ever be a powerhouse just because they had their one millionth fan at the Q Center. Sorry but that will never happen, I will put money on it or anything you want to wager Matty. I do not think the Huskers will either just so you creighton fans don't jump all over this message. I do think it is funny that two weeks ago you mentioned that pallen (or however you spell that losers name) stinnet would transfer, and that now he is the man allegedly. Matty please explain how creighton will ever be more than a mvc regular, and especially how they will ever be considered a Gonzaga. One question why would their "genius" coach attempt a move to pig suie if he thought there was a silent giant in cu. I guarntee that will never happen.

magic said...

Matt if Nebraska is such a non factor then why keep talking about them and giving the publicity. I'd take Baylor's talent over anything in the MV

Steve said...

Drake vs creighton...the game the entire country has been holding their breath for...

If half of a small city (Omaha) doesn't care about a team in its city (creighton) why should anyone else care? Nobody cares about Drake in Iowa, I know that.

Matt Perrault said...

Steve, that's 2 dumb posts in one day. I'd say stop.

JD - Why don't you look up the MVC and what they have done in the past 3 NCAA tournaments. Gonzaga plays in the WCC and you say the Jays couldn't ever be like them? Come on dude - think before you post something like that. You know about Gonzaga for one reason only - they have won in March. If the Jays win in March - they have everything in place to be a player year in and year out in the NCAA tournament.

TV coverage is better than MANY BCS schools for basketball. Look how many games on are on TV for the Jays! It's for sure better than Nebraska's.

Unknown said...

LOL at all these Husker fans. Are you guys still on the jealousy rampage that your game (another loss, what a surprise) barely drew half of what Creighton drew on the same night against INDIANA STATE? I am sure glad all the socialites, beer drinkers and bandwagoners have propelled us into the top 15 in attendance again. Strange how your made up phenomenon seems to only affect Creighton and Omaha. Weird...But, I am sure as soon as Nebraska becomes relevant, all of our fans will be flocking to the Devaney Center.

You guys need to give it a rest. Of all the fanbases around, you are the last ones who should ever run smack. You're irrelevant, have always been irrelevant, and Creighton has owned you and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. End of discussion.

For the comment about half of Omaha not caring about Creighton. Wow, I'll take that any day. 425,000 people who are interested in Creighton!? Awesome. Does that mean the other 425,000 are diehard Nebraska basketball fans?

Have fun getting steamrolled by Kansas again...But, I am sure the excuse machine will continue to be around for the rest of this season coming up with a list of moral victories!

MattSantaMaria said...

+1 to MPs and especially Arics reply. Very well said.

johnny drama said...

I agree that they are well known because of the tournament and they do play in the WCC but they also play in big non-conference games against top competition like they play Memphis later this year, and they also play in the big pre-season tourneys every year. The Salukis have put together some decent post seasons and you do not see them getting big time pub other than in the mvc. They do not have big name guys that people know nationally. Gonzaga had Dickau, and Turaf and a National player of the year in Morrison. What does Creighton have a youtube video with Nick Bahe impersonating Dana Altman? I understand your argument about making tournament runs but it will never happen, nor will it happen in Lincoln and I never said it would. You honestly believe that Creighton can be a national name like Gonzaga? Please just admit your man crush with the jays because you are honestly the biggest homer.

chris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chris said...

Nebraska actually has 20 games televised this season (3 ESPN network, 7 ESPN Plus, 9 FSN, 1 KMTV)

Creighton has 18 (8 KMTV, 2 NET, 5 ESPN, 3 FSN)

So yeah, Creighton is much more televised than Nebraska...right.

Anonymous said...

Creighton becoming a national powerhouse? That doesn't even need a response! What ever it is that your smoking, or snorting, Matthew, I want some of it.

You can say what you want about Kansas "steamrolling" us. They are going to "steamroll" many teams this year.

Kansas could lose their starting 5 to injuries and still win the MVC. Baylor would win the MVC straight up.

Steve said...

I'm fairly new to Omaha and I didn't mind creighton when I moved here. Now that I've been here for three years I've come to cheer against creighton because their fans are arrogant for some odd reason. Honest question...has anyone ever heard 15,000 so quite inside a basketball arena?

And no, I do not like the huskers.

Matt Perrault said...

Hey Steve - not sure which game you are talking about but go Tuesday and I guarantee you won't say the same thing.

If you don't think the Jays have the foundation to become very big in the college game - you are way wrong. Attendance, exposure, building, big time coach, fan base, school support, money, boosters is No. 1 at CU...not at NU (nor should it be).

Time will tell.

magic said...

Matt, you've even said it before that Creighton has it's hands tied when it comes to recruiting because of thier accademics. That inability will keep them from consistantly getting basketball talent to keep them at a high level or very big level as you say. Unless very big does not mean Top 10 or Top 15. Being in the Top 64 or Top 32 is not being very big to me. What is Very Big? Sounds to me as a very broad statement

Matt Perrault said...

Stanford would be about right.

sublime_fan27 said...

I don't think Creighton can use the academics card. I have seem some retards get into Creighton. I can't count on 2 hands the number of times I have met a dumbass who thought they were smart because they went to Creighton Law. All you need is $80,000 of Daddy's money. Even in their medical programs, the kids who don't get selected by UNMC usually attend Creighton by default. UNMC is very selective with their medical programs...Creighton is much more liberal, often selecting idiots who struggle on their boards.

I think Matt is right though. Creighton rents out a fantastic facility and they fill it. Even if is with people who don't really care about basketball, they still fill it. Creighton can make the next step...which is a Sweet 16 apperance every now and then. However, Creighton will never be like Cinci, Gonzaga, or Xavier. Not in Omaha.

Bill Swerski said...

Where do I begin? There's just so much to choose from. First, it's just ignorant to say that any team will "never" be a power-house. I'm sure that, prior to 98-99, people were saying that Gonzaga would "never be a powerhouse." You can't predict exactly what will happen. Gonzaga's schedule wasn't always what it is today. It's one heck of a schedule now, but before they started their NCAA runs, it was just like every other WCC out-of-conference schedule. Duke is the same story. It's not all that long ago that they were the laughing stock of the ACC.

Speaking of Gonzaga, will someone please explain to me how Gonzaga has anymore advantages than CU has other than recent NCAA tourney success? Conference? MVC beats the WCC. Money? Push. Facility? Creighton. City? Omaha beats Spokane. Coach? Push. Scheduling? Gonzaga. Academics? Push. There is no basis (aside for your disdain for CU) for claiming that CU will never be a powerhouse.

As for the academics, regardless of how many "retards" (classy insult, by the way) you see get into CU, CU is a much better academic institution overall. That includes undergrad and all grad schools - not just the two schools that you choose to single out. Academics aren't the hindrance in basketball that you'd see in other sports. Some of the best teams are also academic beasts: Duke, Vanderbilt, Stanford, Marquette, Xavier, Gonzaga, USC, and the list goes on and on.

Whoever said that SIU was getting no love outside of the Valley is a moron. Same can be said for whoever called P'Allen a loser. Must make you feel like a big man to call a 19-year-old kid a loser, especially when he's probably the most talented player to play D1 ball in Nebraska in about 15 years.

sublime_fan27 said...

You can say what you want about academics. Private schools have advantages that Public schools don't (and vice-versa). Both Nebraska and Creighton have programs that are superior to the other. Nebraska's Medical Center blows Creighton Medical Center out of the water. On the same token, Creighton has programs that are vasty superior to Nebraska. All I'm saying is that Creighton people act like CU is the Harvard of the Midwest and Nebraska is for dumb people and it's a false and irresponsible belief. Both schools are fine academic institutions but neither are the end-all-be-all of Academia.

I agree that Creighton can take the next step. However, I don't believe that you can ever be a "national powerhouse"...not in the MVC anyway. I wouldn't even consider Gonzaga a "national powerhouse". It is my humble opinion that Creighton could not even reach the level of Gonzaga due to lack of regional talent in the state Nebraska/Iowa. If Creighton keeps playing at their current level and Doc turns Nebraska into a NCAA-type team, perhaps more regional talent will develop in the region. A shot-clock at the high school would also help with that.

As far as P'Allen goes, I wouldn't call the kid a loser. A punk maybe, but a loser? The kid is a good D1 basketball player and going to me, that certainly doesn't make him a loser.

With that said, he is not the most talented player in Nebraska the past 15 years...not right now anyway. In 4 years there may be a different verdict...but for now I'm not sure he could hold Lue's jock. If he played better defense, I would say he's equal to Strickland. But it will be hard to tell considering both Strickland and Lue played against far better athletes night-in and night-out.

beav said...

Creighton lives and dies by the 3. Creighton is an overrated team that will never be able to rise above being a decent mid major program.By the way, how much better is 4-3 in the MVC than 0-3 in the big 12. Had Creighton had to play Nebraska's conference schedule, they'd also be 0-3 at this point. Nuff said

Bill Swerski said...

You honestly think Creighton couldn't beat Colorado? Give me a break.

By the way, CU is 5-3 in the MVC (not 4-3). There's a big difference. Good thing Oregon was the best team to visit the Qwest this year.

johnny drama said...

Bill, I agree that you can't say that something won't happen but I don 't think Creighton will be a Gonzaga type team. When I say a Gonzaga type respect I mean that all people know their names not just big time basketball fans, also that you see their gear in every sports store around the nation. Not to mention the national recognition that they get from ESPN and other major sports affiliates. I also think SIU does get respect in circles of people that know basketball. P'allen is not a loser but I do not think he is the best player in the state the last 15 years either. I think he has the potential to be a very good player but to this point in his career he has not outplayed the freshmen year of Jamel White. Not that I think Jamel White is better than P'allen because he is not but his freshman year to this point was better. (I should have never compared Nebraska and CU.)

sublime_fan27 said...

Oregon is the best team to visit the Qwest this year…at least until Kansas throws down there in March.

If Kansas played in the MVC, there isn’t a single team who would come within 15-20 points of them this season. Baylor and Texas Tech would more than likely win the MVC. I would imagine Texas and Texas A&M would win the MVC with ease. Oklahoma and Kansas State would both have a shot at winning it. My point is that the Big 12 is tough. Good coaching wins in the MVC. Good coaching isn’t enough in the Big 12…you got to have the athletes, too. You can get down on Doc all you want, until he gets some high-caliber athletes, his Nebraska team isn’t going to be a threat to be an NCAA team every year. Rest assured though…help is on its way.

The Big 12 is going to be fun to watch this year. There just isn’t a better conference this year…who would have thought we would be saying that without Durant? This conference is just incredibly deep this year.

Bill Swerski said...

I never understand the conference argument that NU fans continually make without fail. Just like any home crowd chanting, "Overrated" after an upset, the argument is nothing more than an insult to your own team. It translates to: "We're not that good, but everyone we play is good, so maybe we're not as bad as people think." Ultimately, you're still not a good team.

You don't know what KU or UT or BU (or anyone in the B12) would do in the MVC. They certainly wouldn't have the same teams that they have now. You can't just supplant a team from one conference to another to satisfy your argument. Any B12 school playing in the MVC would face the same difficulties that every other MVC school faces. They would be handcuffed by smaller recruiting budgets, far less national exposure, and a different style of basketball altogether. This isn't to say that an MVC team can never be as good as the best B12 team (last year showed what little disparity there actually is), but it shows that MVC teams have a much more difficult climb to fame.

I'm actually looking forward to the day when NU actually becomes competitive in basketball. That day will hopefully introduce logic to the typical NU fan argument. Don't hang your hat on your conference - hang it on your team.

magic said...

I think when people are making comments about conference's and comparing them they are talking about current teams and how teams stack up against each other and is valid fun entertainment to do so. That's why they invented watercoolers and blog's

Bill Swerski said...

Logic was also invented so people can have intelligent debates with sensible arguments. Try it.

magic said...

This is Matt's blog, I don't think we have much LOGIC here. It's entertainment.