This is how badly I want to buy tickets at facevalue or +$10 for the USC game. I believe if your some 60 year old lady who is going to sit on her ass and say "down in front" to the people are standing. You have no buisness being at this game. I am willing to paint my self red wearing this, with the cobs in my pocket. Show up at 7:30 am for ESPN gameday, go to the bars, and the game the whole day. I am planning on standing the entire game, and yelling so loudly that I won't be able to speak for the next month. I don't care if the tickets are uppernosebleeds, I want to be in memorial stadium and watch USC get destroyed. So start showing everyone this picture so it will convice the 60 year old granny who is not going to enjoy the game to give me or sell the tickets at facevalue. can't afford more than +$10 facevalue for tickets. looking for 2-3. Yes I know, I would look like a overweight, painted red, grisly bear. But damn, I hate USC. must be in Memorial Stadium.
Can you help? Go to the message board of BigSports590.com to let him know if you can....
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