Sunday, February 27, 2011

2011 Oscar Picks

It’s Oscar night. Tonight, Hollywood will reward the work of the talented men and women who work to entertain us on the silver screen. The field is extremely deep this year for the golden trophies and I really had a tough time picking winners in certain categories. 

I was a film minor in college so I’ve often taken the opportunity to see all the nominated films for best picture and try to see as many of the performances of the actors and actresses who have been singled out by the committee. It's one of my hobbies that I really enjoy. 

However, it’s gotten a lot harder to see all the films because we now have 10 films selected for the category of Best Picture. That’s a lot. I try to see about a movie a month but having 10 pictures nominated has bloated the category. I’m sorry but Toy Story 3 should not be nominated. It should be the winner for animation but it’s not in the same category of a movie like The Social Network.

After getting off my soap box, here are my picks and predictions for tonight.

Best Picture:

This was extremely difficult for me to pick. Winter’s Bone is a tough look at life in the Ozarks in Missouri and wonderfully acted. True Grit takes you back to a time of cowboys and sheriffs. The Kids Are Alright tackles homosexual families and the challenges that they deal with. The Fighter dives into a family of boxers dealing with the drama that comes out of the struggles to get to the top of the sports world.  

All amazing movies and I thoroughly enjoyed all of them. But they aren’t going to win.

In my opinion, I chose from The Black Swam, The Social Network, Inception, and The King’s Speech as legit contenders for the award tonight. This was really hard to pick but I have to go with my first blush reaction to the movie after screening it and only one completely blew me away after viewing it.

My Pick:   Inception
Runner Up: The Social Network

Who will win: The King’s Speech. (correct, damn it)

Best Actor:

This is a two horse race in my opinion. Colin Firth vs. James Franco.

Firth did an amazing job of bringing you into the world of a stutterer and stammerer and made you feel the frusration that comes from not being able to get words out of your mouth. Franco took you into the horror of being trapped and being forced with unbelievable choices. As someone who overcame a speech impediment, I love what Firth brought to the role but Franco was just tremendous, carrying the entire movie. 

My Pick: James Franco for 127 Hours
Runner up: Colin Firth for The King’s Speech

Who will win: Colin Firth  (correct blah) 

Best Actress:

This is isn’t even fair. The race has been over for a weeks.

My Pick: Natalie Portman for The Black Swan 
Runner up: Jennifer Lawrence for Winter’s Bone

Who will win: Natalie Portman (correct!!)

Best Supporting Actor

Again, we have a two horse race but this is one is going to be VERY interesting to watch. For most of the year, Christian Bale’s gritty performance was thought to be the pick here but The King’s Speech popularity has rocketed Geoffery Rush into the conversation. I think the momentum of Firth helps Rush here. 

My Pick: Christian Bale for The Fighter (winner!!!!)
Runner up: Geoffrey Rush for The King’s Speech

Who will win: Geoffrey Rush (wrong)

Best Supporting Actress:

This a tough category because the names do not jump off the screen. I was only really moved by one performance and that’s why she is my pick.

My Pick: Hailee Steinfield for True Grit
Runner up: Amy Adams for The Fighter

Who win will: Helena Bonhamn Carter for The King’s Speech (wrong)

Best Director:

This is going to be a REALLY tough pick. So many good movies to go with here.

My Pick: David Fincher for The Social Network
Runner up: Darren Aronosfky for The Black Swam

Who will win: Tom Hooper for The King’s Speech (correct F!)

Cinematography: Inception (correct)


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