Saturday, August 1, 2009

Neat Story

At 32, I know I don't have the life that everyone would want.  I've lived all over the country, striving for something that I don't know I'll ever achieve, hundreds of miles from my family.  

It's really hard to follow your heart and chase your dreams.  So when I hear of someone else who is doing that....well, I'm really proud to know that I'm not alone in my pursuit of something that isn't easy.  

Meet Adam Dawson.  I wanted post his email that he sent to me cause I think it's awesome what he has done.....

Hey Matt

My name is Adam Dawson, I'm from Omaha and listened to you the entire time you were in town.  I've emailed a couple times in the past, pretty much just as you were leaving town to wish you luck.  Seems like things are going well at KXNO, hope you're happy with where you're at.  I listen to your new podcasts as much as possible, I'll miss all the Creighton talk once the season starts up!

I'm bothering you today because I landed my dream job this week, I'm now fully involved in the world of professional sports.  About a month ago I decided I was going to follow through with my dream of being a tour caddie.  I've played golf for 15 years and love the game more than most I know, I named my kids after DLIII and Kaari Webb for example.  I hated the job I've been doing for the past four years and needed to make a change, now seemed like as good a time as any.  The fact that the Nationwide Tour was coming to Omaha and after Columbus the following week it's in Wichita, Springfield and Overland Park gave me a good chance at trying it out for a month.  Tournament week for the COX Classic came and I went to the volunteer caddie meeting up at the course.  I was first to arrive but last to pick a number, that valuable #1 position was waiting for me in the end.  My player showed up at 11:30 on Monday morning after five hours of waiting, his name is Steve LeBrun, a guy with lots of potential who has been struggling hard this year coming off of a shoulder surgery, I know of someone else who had something similar ;) .  Steve and I hit it off almost immediately, he liked my ambitious attitude and the fact that I had plans to be out on tour for a while.  By the end of Tuesday's practice round I had the job through the Overland Park tournament and at the end of round two I was offered the full-time gig!  Things like this just don't happen to people, I'm not religious but something is happening this week with all the breaks I've been getting.  The World Herald is running a front page story this weekend on caddies at the tournament and I was one that was picked for that, should have my picture on the front page which is cool.  

I'll wrap this up, I tend to go on forever about this.  I have a blog that I'll use to keep people posted as to what's going on with me and Steve in the weeks to come.  I figured you might think this is kind of a cool story and like to take a look at it.  I'm at, my twitter updates are linked up to that too.  

Thanks for what you did while you were in town Matt, we miss you!

Adam Dawson

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