Thursday, March 6, 2008

First Of Many Updates From MVC

Game 1 tonight was everything I hoped it would be as Indiana St. outlasted Wichita St. It was a great game between 2 ok teams which featured the coach of the Shockers behaving just like I thought he would - like a jerk. In fact, I stayed JUST to see him melt down. You KNEW it was going to happen....

Yup, our old friend Gregg (with 2 g's!) Marshall got tossed with 12 minutes to go in the game vs. Indiana St. Completely predictable! He became the first coach to get tossed in what is believed Valley tourney history! The guy is a complete embarrassment to the Valley and Wichita St. He and his ego simply don't fit in the MVC. He got is ass kicked all year and bitched to whomever would listen. He bumped a ref after getting tossed and then tried to tell everyone that he didn't say anything to the refs to get tossed.....RIIIIGHT.

Watch for this story tomorrow - Marshall didn't criticize the refs all that much in the post game presser for the 2 T's he got but he was heard RIPPING the rips to a St. Louis reporter outside the press room. If what he said gets printed, the Valley is going to have to act in some manner. Regardless, congrats to Kevin McKenna on his first Valley tourney win. They have Drake in less than 12 hours....tough task.

Game 2 was NOT the swan song for Barry Hinson at MSU. The Bears renewed the talk of a Valley run for them as they killed Evansville. Could Missouri St beat the Redbirds tomorrow? I'm going to say yes.

Pregame at 1 pm tomorrow for the Jays and Bradley, live from St. Louis!! Talk to you then and let's see if the Jays can hang around here for the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Greggggg Marshall is a complete tool and thought he was going to walk into the valley and run the show. WRONG. Contrary to what our friends in Stinkin think, the MVC is a highly competitive league and Gregggg was not up to the challenge. Money well spent WSU!
