Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Contact Your City Councilmen Today!

The negative, anti-ball park people have had their time in the sun. It's time to let the guys who CAN vote for the funding of the park to hear from people who want this city to move forward!!

Councilman Chuck Sigerson, Jr - 444-5526 csigerson@ci.omaha.ne.us
Councilman Franklin Thompson - 444-5523 fthompson@ci.omaha.ne.us
Councilman Dan Welch - 444-5528 dwelch@ci.omaha.ne.us
Councilman Gary Gernandt - 444-5522 ggernart@ci.omaha.ne.us
Councilman Jim Vokal - 444-5525 jvokal@ci.omaha.ne.us
Councilman Frank Brown - 444-5524 fbrown@ci.omaha.ne.us
Councilman Jim Suttle - 444-5527 jsuttle@ci.omaha.ne.us

Call or email but make them KNOW that you want our city to progress and want the college world series to stay for A LONG time!


  1. Thanks for the information. However when I contact my city councilman I am going to let him know I have true concerns. I don't want to lose the big event of college baseball but to put it down at the Qwest center is nuts. Parking is crazy. What if the Qwest needs more space? I also have questions about how much this is going to cost the tax payers along with how our city leaders handled this.
    Thanks for thinking about my concerns.

  2. Have you been to the CWS at Rosenblatt? Parking is effing insane, you have to walk between 1 to 2 miles to find a spot. You can always build new parking lots around the Qwest.

    Haven't they put forth a funding proposal that doesn't force individual tax payers to foot the bill?

  3. billy:

    Go to a real city and see what event parking is like. Omaha is a cakewalk...Some people don't realize how good we have it here, that's the problem.

    Parking is and never will be an issue. The nice thing about parking is, you can build vertically as well as surface lots. Also, what's the problem with walking, especially during the nice weather? If MECA is satisfied with the issue, I am not concerned.

  4. Thanks for thinking about this.
    First off my thoughts weren't about comparing parking. I agree parking can be very hard to find at Rosenblatt. I was talking about parking if we have the CWS going on and a concert at the Qwest.That would be nuts.
    Have a good one.

    andy said...
    Have you been to the CWS at Rosenblatt? Parking is effing insane, you have to walk between 1 to 2 miles to find a spot. You can always build new parking lots around the Qwest.
