Saturday, December 15, 2007

Reason No. 15323

This guy just won't shut up will he? I mean, are you serious Slingblade?!:

"I’ve never been there (to watch a game), I’ve just heard ... I don’t necessarily think there are 17,000 people who go just to watch Creighton basketball" - LJS

"I’m not sure that 17,000 fans — and I hope they would be — are basketball fans. I would think 6,000 to 7,000 are basket­ball fans and the other 10,000 go for the social event" - OWH

You've never been there....but you've heard about the crowds? I've heard that Doc can't run a mile without help...does that make it fact? From whom did you hear this? Steve Pederson? This guy is a piece of work....ask anyone in sports marketing and they'll tell you that up to 30% of the ANY crowd couldn't tell you the final score of the game on the way out the door. That means 30% of Husker fans don't go to the game FOR THE GAME! Just a stupid statement. How the hell does he know numbers without ever being to a GAME THERE!

Yup....mmmhhhhmmm.....I be statin' Slingblade facts....

So this year alone, Slingblade has said publicly:

1. He didn't know where CU was on the schedule
2. Then called the CU game the 17th biggest game on the schedule
3. Then says that Oregon will be the best opponent in the Qwest this year
4. Then says that Jays fans don't go for basketball and he can put a NUMBER on it.

Do you get it yet? Do you see inferiority complex he has about Creighton? Do you get that Nebraska basketball is trying SO hard to be relevant in this state. The program is an afterthought for everyone and that is not going to change for a long time. No matter how many insults Slingblade throws at CU.


  1. Talk about picking a quote out of context, in the Article (which you should be responsible enough to post), Doc is asked to compare the Creighton/Nebraska experience and says Nebraska doesn't get the casual fans that CU gets. Is that really that unfair of a comment?

    But then again, Nebrasketball is so irrelevant that you have to constantly cry about it.

  2. Slingblade? Ok, just a little. I have another suggestion on who Doc reminds me of...

  3. I just finished watching the game. I never heard the final attendance, but we, the Huskers, nearly annihilated - only one point short - the number 16 team in the nation. It looked like Doc coached a great game. Oregon only held the lead twice that I recall and NU answered when they needed. It was great seeing Husker basketball being played in Omaha. I hope they do it more often; that way Matt will have something to cry and whine about on the show. Go Huskers! Calm down Matt.

  4. Hey Matt, how does crow taste anyway?

  5. congrats, you announced 12,000...I watched the game - no way 12K were for everyone...Nice win for NU, good RPI bump for CU...and Huskers fans couldn't out draw Jays fans for a game that didn't count.

  6. perrault until Creighton is ranked as high as 12th in either of the polls Oregon IS the best team Nebraska played at the Qwest. You got beat by Xavier by 27. Arizona St beat them by 20+ Nebraska beat Arizona St by 15... I know they were at different venues but come on don't get mad at Doc for being a good coach just because you liked walking all over Collier cause he was terrible and didn't seem to care about Nebraska Basketball as much as Doc does. Go cry that your 10 point Oregon win prediction didn't come true.

  7. By the way there could've been more than 12k that was announced the only part of the arena that didn't have a significant amount of people in it were the upper bowls on both ends of the baskets, there were a lot of people in all other sections, you called Doc out for not being at the game and he couldn't see, I don't think the tv gave you a good enough perspective of how many people were there.

  8. 12,000 ain't bad for an irrelevant team in 5 inches of snow.

  9. 12,000 is pathetic. With the largest basketball promotional campaign in Nebraska history, this is best you could do? LOL!

    Creighton drew 17,607 for a game against Drexel last year and the weather was a lot worse than it was today. I guess at least half of those fans today must have been there for the beer and to be "seen", right Husker fans (using your own rhetoric)? Yes, you are irrelevant until you do anything of substance, which you never have in 100 years of basketball.

  10. Chill dude.

    And what will Creighton do when it can't host an NIT game this year? I guess they can watch the Huskers in Round 1 at the Qwest Center.

    :-) (Just fanning the flames.)

  11. cubsnskers you ignorant child - why don't you check your stats before you cry anonymously about Matt - Also, I seem to remember beating the ever-loving crap out of Nebraska just a little while ago...Why don't you ask your back-up center what P'Allen's nuts looked like when they were on his chin?

  12. red sox fan, you watched the game? You're telling us the attendance and you weren't even there? 2nd half lower bowl full and both sides of upper deck full (I was there 203 for rows from the top). There were also fans in either end upper deck, but not too many. Pretty impressive considering a lot of out-of-town ticket holders could not make it due to the weather.

    Hate to say it (actually I love to say it), this is going to be an annual event.


  13. Matt, My only complaint about CU basketball fans is that they follow CU only because they have a decent program. If NU has any success whatsoever and CU struggles for just a year or two watch how quickly those numbers can turn around. Most of the current CU fans are also Nebraska football fans, which falls into the I like the Yankees, Lakers, and Cowboys fans category . . . and does anyone truly respect those type of fans who just like the winners?

  14. 88-79. Prepare the excuses now, I'm sure you'll have a litany. Listening to you trying to find reasons as to why you're not an idiot is the only reason I'd ever consider tuning into your show, but I'll pass as I always do. No one with a decent degree of intelligence could ever listen to you and your obese life partner speak unsubstantiated garbage for hours on end. Nice ratings. You're lucky giving your boss head is still an effective way of keeping employed.

  15. I laughed out loud when I saw the big red N in the middle of the Qwest Center.

    The Qwest Center looked like it was the University of Nebraska's House. :)

    Bawawahahahahahahahaha.....Put that in your pipe and smoke it Matt. :)

  16. Matt, go home and learn to pronounce "Creighton" before you start calling Doc "Slingblade"........Pot...kettle......pot....kettle!!

  17. Give Matt a Break, He's only 30 still learning and wet behind the ears. Some day when he matures he'll realize how rediculous some of his shows were in the beginning of his career and will learn when to open and close without inserting the foot. You don't gain anything by the harsh statements towards a Fan base you know so little about. Nebraska played a great game but the show on Monday will have little to say about that it will just be about how the Nebraska people and fans know so little..That is what gets old Matt.

  18. Like I said, Nice win. I don't talk about Nebraska basketball unless they involved CU...this game did. So I talked about it. Even if you had 12k, the Jays will have at least 14k for Houston Baptist...and snow? It wasn't snowing in Omaha today. So you are saying you need out of towners to make a crowd? I thought this was a Husker town? Sure...nice RPI bump for the Jays...Nebraska gets a big

    And Xavier didn't beat the Jays by 27 genius....

  19. Mr. Perrault,

    Since technically you are a public figure, you should learn to treat others with simple respect. While you may find it humorous to refer to Mr. Sadler as "slingblade," it would be just basic respect/courtesy to refer to him by his given name. I'm sure slingblade is not on his birth certificate. Also, it would help your sinking public profile.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Matt,

    Your ratings keep sinking, kid. I hope Omaha isn't in your 5 year plan because I doubt Travis Justice has enough blue kool-aid at his house for the both of you.

    You could save your job, if you wouldn't talk about Nebraska the way you do. You know how many listeners you lose because of it? You must not value your job too much.

    You call Sadler "unclassy" yet you think its cool that Dana Altman took a new job and then backed out 13 games faster than Bobby Petrino. You call Sadler "unclassy" yet you took air time to bash your ex-girlfriend over the radio. For what its worth, her 80's hair, giant mole, and fat ass did NOT get her a sportscasting gig. Sex sells, Perrault, but she was not exactly bringing "sexy back". She must have talent...I can see why it didn't work out between you.

  22. I get paid my opinion of the nebraska coach of basketball is not a good one. How come when people can't argue a point the result to talking about things that they have no idea about? My job is start conversations...would you agree that I started one with this? So I guess I have a talent for something.

    As for my ex-girlfriend, she is beautiful. I made a very large mistake on Todd and Tyler. I'm not ashamed to say she broke my heart. Lots of guys say things about a girl who hurt them to their friends just have thousands who listen to them.
    Jade is very talented but please don't write mean things about her because I was an asshole for a day. If you saw Jade in person - you would never write what you did about her.

    You can attack me, I'm fair game - not her.

  23. You really should be able to edit posts on here huh? Sorry, for the mistakes in the previous post....

  24. I love how you call Doc Sadler Classess however you feel the need to call a good devout Husband and Father a Retarted Male who Killed his mother!!

    Maybe you should look in the mirror Matty!

    Now more than ever Nebraska fans need to Complain about someone and call for their firing! With Stevie P, Jim Rose and Billy C Gone I think You might be the next one to walk the plank!

  25. Right, cause my bosses are furious with me right now....

  26. Your boss is not in charge Matty!

    All you have to do is make a few calls offer Creighton a few Financial Gifts and in return they ask your bosses to remove the classless individual who does the pre and post game show who is turning new Creighton fans away!

    I cant imagine any professional broadcaster who has a relationship with college athletics calling another coach a Retarted Mom Killer.
    Matty what would you do if say someone at pinnacle sports started calling Dana Altman a womanizer who likes to cheat on his wife with students at Creighton?

  27. Matt,
    Come on shock jock. I could care less if you run smack on Nebraska basketball. While Collier was a great man and a class act, he wasn’t prepared to be a coach in the Big 12. In his 6 years here, he ran our program down to depths thought impossible. If he wouldn’t have brought the Spin Doctor in when he did, we wouldn’t have had any Big 12 caliber players at all. Nebraska basketball fans had to endure his tenure here because SP didn’t have the testicular fortitude to get rid of him after the Frank Solich fiasco. Just so happens that Creighton had some fairly good basketball teams while Collier ran our program down like a Blue Tick Hound runs down a raccoon. It happens. Now that Doc is here, Creighton fans are nervous. I have no idea why, you guys will continue to do well as long as winning seasons transpire.

    What I don’t get, is why you are trying to run down Doc Sadler. All he has done is come to Nebraska and has shown that he is passionate about making us a NCAA-caliber team again. Cover Creighton, it doesn’t bother me. Make fun of Nebraska basketball, it doesn’t bother me. But as Matt Perrault, don’t call Doc Sadler “unclassy”. You are about as classy as a used car salesman in the backseat of a 1985 Dodge Omni holding a sign that says “Show Me Your Tits”.

  28. Matt, If Crieghton has a fan base that thinks like you then why don't they back you up? Probably because they to have friends all over the state and understand what Nebraska is.
    Creighton fans are getting embarressed by your comments.

  29. Matt, don't proclaim your talents for starting discussions on these types of forums as a justification for your comments.

    Hell, a chimp could create his own web blog and post a baseless claim that the CU basketball coach loves gay, midget porn. Don't you think that Creighton fans would come out in droves to attack the blogger and argue his meaningless drivel? It doesn't take much talent to stir the pot, Matt.

    Your bosses may want you to be controversial, (to try to get two or three people to listen to your show) but I think it is ridiculous that you act like a 7th grader most of the time on this blog and on the radio, but then you piss and moan when people in the Omaha area don't treat you like a real journalist. If you act like a juvenile, you're going to be treated like one, end of story.

  30. Journalist? I'm not a journalist - don't want to be one. I want to be able to say what I want...when I want.

    And Jays fans are laughing at you guys right now....look at how upset you are - and you just won a big game. Are you little insecure or what?

  31. Wow...You are a very unbiased "journalist". I am glad someone told me to check out your blog. After listening to you and 1620 for a couple of years, I was actually thinking you were beginning to get better at your job.

    After reading this crap, I am happy to say I will not ever flip to 590 between 2-6pm.

    On a positive note, I do think you helped with a great cause to raise money for the victim's fund from the Westroads Shooting. A word of advice though...
    From someone who puts on a successful charity event every year, DO NOT burn your bridges.
    It does no good to stomp on people when they choose not to donate. You are only hurting the next cause you try to raise money for.

    Maybe you can carry that over into your professional career, maybe not. But don't make raising money for a great cause about you. It kind of defeats the purpose.

  32. lol at whining about the attendance being innacurate. NU sold over 15,000 tickets, so that 12,109 obviously isn't paid attendance. LOL. I'm sure Matt got an accurate count through his TV screen. Thanks for the coverage Matt. Glad to know "we're worth it."

  33. "And Jays fans are laughing at you guys right now....look at how upset you are - and you just won a big game. Are you little insecure or what?"

    well if that isn't the dumbest quote ever...upset?? Husker fans are smiling from ear to ear. The only insecure one around here is you, constantly posting about us on your blog. You cover JAYS basketabll and you can't stop talking about us and you can't stop nitpicking every word "Slinblade" says and whining about it. You would know about insecure Matt.

  34. Matt. I am upset about the following. When you're wrong you should just admit it. I have read your comments after Nebraska beat No 16 Oregon. Nowhere did you say that you were wrong. On your radio program you said Nebraska would embarrass itself and that only 6 to 7 thousand fans would be in attendance. It turns out that you missed the mark by about 6000 on that. Secondly, you said "Nebraska would get annihilated by double digits". Again wrong. Instead, what happened was a decent (not great) crowd of 12,108 watch Doc Sadler and Nebraska get a signature victory. My view of your reaction to this win is that you are afraid that more people will start paying attention to Nebraska basketball. Or ever, some Creighton fans might actually attend a Nebraska basketball game. Given Nebraska's collection of good, athletic basketball players, I understand your concerns.

    Also, I am upset how you distort and take out of context Doc Sadler's comments in order to turn people against Nebraska baketball. Listening to Doc Sadler's call in show on HSN, I have heard Doc Sadler say alot of flattering things about Dana Altman and Creighton basketball.

    Lastly, I am upset of the nickname that you annointed Doc Sadler. It is, in my opinion, rather juvenile. Moreover, you referred to Cookie Miller as a "midget". That midget happened to score 19 points on Creighton. Calling Cookie a midget is just like if I were to say that Chad Millard looks like he is from an impoverished third world country. Just not classy.

  35. LOL! Nice logic Husker fan. People only follow CU because they're good? So what you're hypocritically saying is, if CU slips (which they won't), people will come flocking to Corn basketball? Okay, wouldn't that mean that people will start going to Corn basketball games because THEY'RE good? Anyone else see a huge double standard in that logic?

    Also, I challenge you to find ANY fanbase in sports that doesn't have the same phenomenon. People like winners. You of all fanbases should know this...Remember last year when people were walking out of your football games because they were getting their butts kicked?

    Hypocritical, delusional, arrogance with a sprinkling of jealousy is an unhealthy cocktail. Once you guys actually return to or win an NCAA game, then come back and act like you're anything more than the proverbial doormat to the Big XII and the state.

  36. aric... the complaint has been the unprofessional comments by Matt such as the Nebraska program "SUCKS", They will get Iniallated, Double Didget embarresment, Slingblade etc. etc. I don't care even if any of it is true! It shouldnt be in any vocabulary on the radio or press from a professional. Even if your paid to say your opinion it should be in a manner of respect to others. My 8 year old daughter came into the office the day Matt went on his Sucks rant with Travis she just asked "Dad why is he so mean" You obviously were never taught by your mother "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all". Looks more like to me that Matt and the Creighton fans are worried that Doc may be a threat. If your not worried about the competition that Doc may be bringing to Nebraska then why all the nasty comments? You don't here Husker Fans slinging comments at Creighton

  37. Funny that Andy at the top was the only one to say anything BEFORE the game was over. Just goes to show how ballsy 99.9% of Husker fans are. Someone takes a stance and you talk shit AFTER things are done instead of actually having the balls to take a stance for yourselves. That is why most Husker fans are pathetic.

  38. "And Jays fans are laughing at you guys right now....look at how upset you are - and you just won a big game. Are you little insecure or what?"

    Jays fans aren't laughing right now, they're pissing and moaning about NU playing at their rented facility. If NU fans are so insecure where is our hack radio homer to call Dana names and organize boycotts of Creighton events?

  39. Matt, what'd you think of Shatel's comments on 1620 today? You probably didn't hear them cuz you were too busy yelling at Nebraska fans over your dial, but here's what he said:

    "I think there's about 8-10 thousand Creighton hardcores. The other people are there because they like Dana and they win. There are a lot more Nebraska fans than Creighton fans. The average fan doesn't really follow the Valley. If Nebraska's battling for the NCAA tournament, that's gonna transform everything. That's not controversial, that's just obvious."

    Bingo. First of all, interesting how his comment is exactly like Doc's about the Creighton hardcores. You gonna whine and accuse Shatel of disrespecting the Jays too???? Huh? Doesn't he cover the Jays? Maybe Doc is speaking the truth...

    And his last comments just confirm that you and Jays fans are worried about NU getting good and taking attednance away from Creighton games. It will happen. There are fans at the Qwest Center who were NU bball fans until Creighton got good. Don't think for a second they won't come back if they see that all of a sudden the Bob is getting packed again and NU is competing for NCAA tourney bids.

  40. You aren't a journalist, nor do you want to be? Maybe you are in the wrong profession.


    1. the occupation of reporting, writing, editing, photographing, or broadcasting news or of conducting any news organization as a business

  41. Look up talk show host if you have the dictionary handy...that's what I am.

    As for Shatel - I don't listen to other stations but he has is opinion, I have mine. I have no doubt that some fans go for the atmosphere and cause it's the cool thing to do - I just don't put numbers on it...Shatel made the same mistake as Doc Sadler. You have no idea...nor do they or I for that matter.

  42. You don't put numbers to it because it doesnt come out in Creighton's favor. Even when you try and predict numbers it doesnt work. Prediction 5-7 thousand husker fans turned into 12,000 and 15,000 Creighton fans turned into 13,000. Thats also facts but thats just my opinion and I'm not paid to say it.

  43. bob your an idiot we all know shang ping isn't a center, doc sadler will be going away from the center after Maric is gone. He will most likely run a 3 guard, two forward offense because he wants to run the court. Ping is a forward, sure he may be tall and plays back up to Aleks Maric who is our center (our only center by the way.) Go ahead and check the husker website, wow get your facts straight you ignorant child. Do not cry just because you are a creighton fan.
    By the way If creighton was playing like they did back when Nebraska dominated them in the early to mid 90's then the crowds would be the complete opposite. Perrault has know idea because he was not here when that was occurring. He hasn't seen the abysmal crowds the civic has had to offer in their down days. He also is a creighton fan although he refuses to admit it, telling Creighton fans to boycott the husker game because they should not play on "their" court, he needs to refer to the bluejays as his. He probably doesn't want to nut up because eventually Nebraska starts beating Creighton regularly with Doc at the helm and he has to eat crow that his team lost in the rivalry.

  44. Hey dude - there is a difference between "no" and "know". You "know" that right?

  45. I thought you wanted to be a "Talk show Host" now your an english major that claims not to be a journalist

  46. I don't get why some Nebraska fans think that if NU succeeds Creighton fans will go away. True CU is more popular as a winner, but who is not?

    Also, all sporting events are social by nature. For example, I highly doubt all 85,000 NU fans are students of the game, but they can follow the lead of others and make noise when needed. The same is true of Creighton fans in the Qwest Center.

    I have no problem with Doc trying to promote his own program. He should it is his job, but he should leave the digs against Creighton out of it. I doubt most other coaches in the country would make comments like Doc. I almost wonder if the media is baiting him somewhat to get a story.

  47. Sorry Mr. Perrault i dont type on the internet to be grammatically correct, I just type what i feel like saying and i could care less if i put no or know.... this isn't my english class nor will a blog ever be as important as my english class. I was just typing what i felt like typing, if you want it to be grammatically correct go ahead and correct it your self mr journalist. oops sorry i forgot you aren't one.

  48. I don't care about just knowing the right use of the word no?
