Thursday, September 13, 2007

Husker Fans Are Awesome....

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to pass along a tremendous story of support for a injured vet from Nebraska who will be at the USC game because of the audience of Big Sports 590 and Husker Nation.

Spec. Matt O'Brien is from tiny Oshkosh Nebraska and is currently living at a hospital in Fort Bragg, NC. He was profiled in a story on this week as Nebraska fans opened their hearts and gave tickets to injured vets so they could go to the Nebraska vs. Wake game and future games this year at Wake that Husker fans won't be using. Matt was injured while serving our country and is legally blind in one eye, 20-100 in the other. Doctors don't know what is wrong except that he was injured while overseas but Matt LOVES the Huskers. He was so pumped to see Nebraska vs. Wake.

Here is the link to the story:

Well, we talked to Matt today on the show and found out that he was given 2 tickets to USC Nebraska by a fan so he could see the biggest game of the year. All he needed was a flight here. That's where Big Sports 590's audience stepped up big. With in 1 min. of the original interview airing - we were getting calls about how people could help Matt get to Lincoln.

We got with a local travel agency that handles JBG travel and set up a fund for Matt to come here. With in 2 hours - we raised over $2000 after announcing how to donate!!! Husker fans who listen to Big Sports 590 have donated enough money for Matt to fly here to Omaha on Friday where he will meet his mother who will drive 6 hours from Oshgosh to meet her son. Matt hasn't seen her since 2005!!! Matt hasn't been back to Nebraska since 2004 - the day after he graduated from High School and enrolled in the military. He will stay in a hotel in Omaha with his mom and get a limo ride to and from Lincoln and get to go out to eat with her on Sunday before heading back to the Fort Bragg Military Hospital on Monday.

I just thought that if any of us are having a bad day/week/month that this story might put a lot into perspective. Our health is such a blessing and to hear about a young man who thanks God every time he wakes up and can still see is a lesson for all of us. Also, it is amazing to me to see the incredible support that people in this community show for the troops and their fellow Husker fan. This story really touched me and Gene at who emailed me tonight to say how moved he was by the gesture.

I'm not a Husker fan but I hope NU shocks the world on Saturday night - and thanks to the audience of Big Sports 590 - Matt O'Brien will be there to witness it.

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