Saturday, April 7, 2007

Fairways and Greens Is Back!

This Monday at 3 pm - the most complete golf show in Omaha is back! Fairways and Greens with Matt Perrault tees off year No.2 with a full recap of the Masters.

Fairways and Greens is a one hour, weekly golf show which aires every Monday from 3 pm to 4pm on Big Sports 590. The show features interviews with media members covering the game, Dr. Charles Plott - a clinical sports psychologist, and Gary Mayes of - a website dedicated to the tools of the bag.

Each week, I will review a golf course in the Omaha area and give you my opinion of the track. You will also get a quick lesson on the "Rules Of The Game brought to you BayHills Golf Course". All that, plus weekly giveaways. So tune in Monday at 3 pm for Fairways and Greens with Matt Perrault

In addition to the golf show, Big Sports 590's Annual Golf Tournament will take place at Bayhills in Platsmouth on Friday May 18th. More information to come including tee time so stay tuned but SAVE THE DATE!!


  1. Will Dana be a guest host each week? I hope so. Giddy Upppp!

  2. Matt, you'd better get that message board back up before DMan shows up...

  3. I love golf! Anytime you can use a club and legally hit something is awesome!

  4. Great Show. Omaha and Nebraska have some great places to play.

    Carl Spackler is my hero!
